Lanie was recently dumped at a Melbourne animal shelter, and within
days she had two healthy puppies! As you can all imagine us all here at Longweis were devastated. Though we must have a shining
star watching over our Grey Guys as the vet at the shelter kindly took her home and nursed her and the pups. The vet is keeping
one pup and her friend the other. When I found out I assured them Lanie was to come back to us here at Longweis until I could
assure her a sensational home. Thank my lucky stars to have found Jenny. Jay is a Weimaraner
fan, Jay owns Sarah a Wei & Zoae a Wei Long Hair. Jay had just the person in mind and gave my details to Jenny. Jenny
contacted me via the internet and was just the home I was looking for in Lanie. Jenny owned a Weimaraner for over 15 years,
so she is somewhat of an expert on how these grey guys get into our hearts.
Lanie is settling in very well with Jenny and her extended family up on the sunny Queensland
We thank Jay very much for all her efforts and especially for sending us these very recent
pictures of Lanie and her first day in Cairns.
~~~ Thank You to Jenny and family for loving and caring for Lanie~~~